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2015 Conference

del 7 al 8 de May del 2015

Framingham, MA

MATSOL 2015 Conference 

May 6-8,205 | Framingham Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center

Presenters are invited to upload their session handouts. Click on the session title to view resources.

Cultural Attitudes toward Cheating among International Students

jueves, el 7 de mayo de 2015 a las 08:30–09:15 EDT
Middlesex West
Session Abstract

Because the concept of 'cheating' is culturally defined, international students frequently have attitudes about cheating that differ from those of Americans. Participants will learn about specific cultural attitudes toward this issue and will take home some strategies for pre-empting and responding to academic dishonesty when working with international populations.

Session Type

Research-Oriented Presentation (45 minutes)

Primary Audience

9-12 High School

Lead Presenter

Mary Kapner, MacDuffie School, Granby, MA


Materiales de la sesión
