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ER&L 2015

February 22–25, 2015

Austin, Texas

Visit our "Search the ER&L 2015 Program" page to peruse all the accepted and peer-reviewed sessions for the 10th Anniversary Electronic Resources and Libraries Conference, February 22-25, 2015.

Click to view information about ER&L 2015 Online and Austin registration.


Short Talks: Budgets and Collections

Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 1:15 PM–2:00 PM CST
Room 301

This "Budgets & Collections"-themed session is comprised of three 15-minute, peer-reviewed ER&L short talks. In ER&L short talk sessions, presenters will change every 15 minutes (after an individual presentation and brief Q&A period.)

[Moderator: Sarah Strahl, Ela Area Public Library]


Title: Solving Budget Problems with Electronic Resource Analysis (without Firing Anyone or Cutting Services!) ( )


Tracking usage statistics and cost-per-search helps analyze electronic subscription collections. Many other less-than-obvious factors go into collection development and weeding decisions. Learn how CSU-Pueblo absorbed a $50,000 budget cut without firing anyone or cutting services to the campus. They merely examined the data you don’t think about.


Title: Enough space: leveraging electronic resources to increase student space in the library

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While knowledgebases can often provide overlap analysis reports for library subscriptions, they fail to acknowledge a difference between perpetual access and leased content, limiting its utility for making decisions relating to weeding.  This presentation details the steps involved in identifying print/electronic overlap with the intention of weeding specific stacks ranges.


Title: The Impact of Resource Sharing and eBook Acquisitions

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Some publishers allow ebook borrowing/lending privileges among libraries, while others don't allow borrowing among reciprocal borrowing/lending consortiums. This session will discuss the impact ebook acquisitions have on smaller academic libraries that participate in reciprocal borrowing/lending consortiums, including advantages and disadvantages in partnering with libraries with large ebook collections.


Professor Maria Hugger, MA, MLIS, Colorado State University-Pueblo
Amy Dumouchel, MLIS, AAS, MSPS, Boston College
Alejandra Nann, University of San Diego