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ELUNA 2015

du 4 au 5 May 2015

Minneapolis, Minnesota

jQuery.PRIMO a convenience library for client side development.

mercredi 6 mai 2015 à 14:30–15:15 CDT
Excelsior Bay

We are a healthy network of +30 institutions and we have been using Primo since version 2. Our main focus point has always been that the maintenance effort of the views needs to be low. I think we explored every possibility to interact with Primo. We even used the Primo API to build our own "User Interface" but quickly moved to using "Custom Views". Although this made maintaining the views easier we still needed a way to show or hide tiles depending on for example the location of the user. Primo has a rich Javascript library but is hidden. jQuery.PRIMO wraps it and exposes the functions in a, "don't reinvent the wheel" self explaining, convenience library/api. Now we can quickly create new tabs, check if the user is logged in and if she is on campus, etc ... I will show how to setup and use the library.




Mehmet Celik, KULeuven/LIBIS
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