Making Primo Ours
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 2:30 PM–3:15 PM CDT
Cedar Lake
Northeastern University’s Primo, Scholar OneSearch, and the processes used to manage and develop it have evolved considerably since going live. This presentation will outline how we test, develop, and deploy new releases from Ex Libris. Along the way we will highlight our diverse committees and teams established to manage new releases, our newfound reliance on usability testing, GitHub bug tracking and feature requests, PCI activations, and our thoughts on being approached by Ex Libris to move to the SaaS environment. We will even admit to some things that failed and explain how we tried to correct them along the way.
Scott Carlisle, co-chair of the committee that oversees resource access and discovery, will focus on process and workflows including tight testing deadlines and tracking changes and improvements. Ernesto Valencia, Head of Library Technology Services, will highlight some of the more technical aspects of using GitHub to deploy changes to code.