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2015 Conference

May 7–8, 2015

Framingham, MA

MATSOL 2015 Conference 

May 6-8,205 | Framingham Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center

Presenters are invited to upload their session handouts. Click on the session title to view resources.

WestEd’s Reading to Learn Framework for ELLs

Friday, May 8, 2015 at 10:30 AM–11:15 AM EDT
Session Abstract

When schools and institutions adopt and define a clear process of designing lessons that effectively engage students in tackling and comprehending complex text, they are better able to offer guidance to teachers and students alike. Teachers are no longer left to their own devices, collaborating with colleagues to plan and teach.  Using the Reading to Learn Framework and collaborative lesson design protocol, departments and grade level teams learn to work together to develop common instructional tools and assessments to support teachers and ALL students. With the development and provision of such supports, teachers are more likely to use reading as a frequent tool to support content learning and are better skilled at incorporating scaffolds and supports for ELLs. This will result in more opportunities for student engagement in order to practice and improve their reading and language skills.

Session Type

Invited Session

Primary Audience

PK-12 General

Lead Presenter

Cerelle Morrow, M.Ed., Learning Innovations at WestEd


Julia Ward, Learning Innovations at WestEd

Session Materials
