Managing the Transition to Faculty Positions in Environmental Studies and Sciences
Type of Session
Mealtime Roundtable
Making the transition from graduate school to a post-graduate position in Environmental Studies and Sciences can be an incredibly challenging experience. In addition to the pressures that accompany assuming a new role with new responsibilities, ESS positions also frequently exist as part of a small and/or disparate team of colleagues under any number of academic affiliations, resulting in an "island effect." The purpose of this roundtable is to provide a space to talk about the job market and the transition from graduate school to faculty positions. This roundtable will be led by two first-year professors working in small, liberal arts contexts. We would like to gear the conversation towards the needs of graduate students and early career scholars, but welcome others who would like to contribute to this conversation. Ideally, this session will help participants identify best practices, colleagues, and mentors.