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ER&L 2013

del 17 al 20 de March del 2013

Austin, Texas

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What Can Web Analytics Tell You About Your New Discovery Tool?

lunes, el 18 de marzo de 2013 a las 14:05–14:50 CDT
Amphitheater 204
2013 Conference Track

Search & Discovery


"discovery tools" and "web analytics"

Learning Objectives

Understand what role web analytics might play in assessment of their e-resource access points


Differentiate between the types of questions that web analytics can answer vs. traditional electronic resources usage statistics


Learn about the basic metrics of web analytics tools


Develop a simple strategy for implementing web analytics at their own institutions


Getting a discovery system implemented is one thing, but assessing it is another. Given that these tools are new and standards for them are in development, librarians at the Hesburgh Library decided to explore the use of web analytics to help measure the effectiveness of our new discovery tool, OneSearch.


Monica Moore, University of Notre Dame
Lauren Ajamie, University of Notre Dame