Telling Your (Super-Awesome) Story for LGBT Workplace Inclusion and Engagement
Workshop Description
Everyone’s got a story. But knowing how to shape and tell that story effectively is a skill that separates the talkers from the real workplace equality change-makers. And incorporating your personal story about LGBT equality and inclusion as part of why you’re engaged in your network group can be one of the most effective ways to make the abstract (diversity) into the concrete and personal (inclusion), even for the toughest audiences. This highly interactive session will teach you to pick your best personal tale about LGBT inclusion at work, develop it into an engaging, must-hear narrative, deploy effective messaging strategies to create common ground with potential allies. Participants will have a chance to share their stories and get effective feedback from colleagues during the session.
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Contact (primary)
Ms. Jamie E Henkel, PFLAG National
Jean-Marie Navetta, PFLAG National / Straight for Equality
Professional Title
Director of Equality & Diversity Partnerships