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ER&L 2013

du 17 au 20 March 2013

Austin, Texas

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Troubleshooting and Tracking E-resource Access Problems: a User-Centered Approach

mardi 19 mars 2013 à 16:35–17:20 CDT
Classroom 203
2013 Conference Track

Managing Electronic Resources


Troubleshooting, CRM tracking, user and staff experience

Learning Objectives

develop an effective troubleshooting checklist/workflow, understand user behavior and response as it relates to access problems, more effectively address user concerns with access to electronic resources through various strategies/mechanisms 


Troubleshooting, tracking, and communicating about access issues is a core responsibility for ERLs and others managing e-resources. There are often technical and communication challenges involved, yet the human element is of equal importance in maintaining effective relationships with users and colleagues. This two-part presentation addresses Montana State University’s user-centered approach to troubleshooting access issues and the University of Tennessee Chattanooga’s implementation of CRM software to better manage and communicate e-resource and other IT issues.


Nathan Hosburgh, MLIS, Montana State University - Bozeman
Katie Gohn, University of Tennessee Chattanooga
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