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Children’s College as a Saving Goal
Keywords: 5 words maximum
college savings, savings goals, financing college
Very short description for use in the program to help attendees understand more than a title can describe
In 2013, less than 15% of households with at least one own child under 18 reported saving for college as the most important saving goal, and just over 27% reported saving for college as one of their saving goals. Based on a logistic regression, we found that income, marital status, health status, and homeownership were not related to having the goal, but the likelihood of having the goal was higher for those with a college degree than for those without a high school degree. The likelihood of having the goal was highest for those with zero net worth.
Lead & Corresponding Author
Ms Congrong Ouyang, BS, Ohio State University
Job Title
Graduate Teaching Associate
Additional Authors
Sherman Hanna, Ph.D., Ohio State University
Job Title