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Risk Profiling Approaches Used by Canadian Investment Firms
jueves, el 15 de octubre de 2015 a las 10:35–12:05 EDT
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Risk Profile Canada
Very short description for use in the program to help attendees understand more than a title can describe
The assessment of risk profile methodologies used by Canadian firms based on 3 components:
1. A survey to about 280 investment firms to determine their practices as outlined by their compliance departments.
2. A survey to advisors across Canada to determine the advisor view and beliefs about risk tolerance and its assessment.
3. An analysis of the risk profiling questionnaires of about 30 licenced firms operating in Canada to determine the types of questions asked, what is being measured and how they map to known best practices and regulation.
Lead & Corresponding Author
Mr. Shawn Brayman, PlanPlus Inc.
Job Title
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