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Determinants for the purchase of long-term care insurance
Keywords: 5 words maximum
long-term care insurance
Very short description for use in the program to help attendees understand more than a title can describe
Aging baby boomers coupled with medical advances leading to increased longevity of Americans is expected to lead to an increased strain on budgets. While many chronic illnesses are managed with medication and diet, others such as Alzheimer's disease eventually render individuals incapable of taking care of themselves. Long-term care will become a reality, and its funding will have been predetermined by planning done well in advance of the need. This study attempts to answer some of the questions revolving around the lack of private funding for long-term care and why LTC insurance is purchased or allowed to lapse.
Lead & Corresponding Author
Mary E. Dorn, MBA, University of Missouri
Job Title
Additional Authors
Dalisha Herring, CFP, University of Missouri
Job Title
Geri Dickey, PhD, Park University
Job Title
Assistant Professor of Social Work