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2016 Mid-Year Conference

del 7 al 9 de February del 2016

San Antonio, Texas

Project Infinity: Bridging The Gap Between Diagnosis And State Provided Services

martes, el 9 de febrero de 2016 a las 15:30–17:00 CST
Trinity (30 Classroom)
Session Description

Advances in the field of medicine have increased physician's abilities to diagnose disorders and diseases during early childhood. These advances have, in part, contributed to an increase in the need for specialized therapies. After receiving a diagnosis, families that qualify for state provided specialized therapies often end up on a wait list. This wait list averages 7-10 years before a family receives services. Research has repeatedly proven early intervention is key for individuals with disabilities, however it can be difficult to attain without proper insurance or the ability to afford private pay. The speaker will discuss how the interdisciplinary team is addressing the increasing community needs while ensuring accessibility and inclusion for all participants, with the primary focus being on recreational therapy services.

Learning Outcomes - Provide three measurable learning objectives for the session that relate to the NCTRC Job Anaylsis.

Upon completion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. List 3 challenges facing families that qualify for state services

2. Identify 2 ways in which Project Infinity is able to provide private pay specialized therapy at an affordable rate

3. Identify 3 ways in which Project Infinity is advancing the RT profression

Detailed Session Outline - Include time spent on each portion of the outline. An example is given in the help text.

Speaker Introduction: 5 minutes

Background information regarding state services: 15 minutes

Process to receiving state services (activity): 10 minutes

Founding of Project Infinity & it's services (consumers, therapists, and families): 20 minutes

Structuring for providing specialized therapies at an affordable cost: 10 minutes

Assessments, documentation, and planning requirements: 15 minutes

Video of sessions: 10 minutes

Wrap up/evlauation/questions: 5 minutes




NCTRC Job Analysis.
Assessment Process: Selections and Implementation of Assessment, Assessment Domains
Documentation: Individualized intervention plan, Discharge/transition plan
Implementation: Selection of programs, Modalities and/or interventions
Administration of TR/RT Service: Personnel/ intern/volunteer management, Budgeting/fiscal management
Advancement of the Profession: Professionalism, Credential maintenance/ professional competencies, PR/promotion/marketing
Target Audience
New Graduates/New Professionals
Mid-Career Professionals
Seasoned Professionals


Katherine Vara, M.S., CTRS, Project Infinity