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2016 Mid-Year Conference

del 7 al 9 de February del 2016

San Antonio, Texas

Evidence-Based Recreational Therapy Music-Making Experiences for Older Adults Using Beamz Therapy Resources

domingo, el 7 de febrero de 2016 a las 08:30–11:30 CST
Trinity (30 Classroom)
Session Description

With a growing evidence base documenting the effectiveness of active music-making in producing a variety of positive health outcomes in older adults, recreational therapists now have expanded options for providing innovative music-based treatments to the clients they serve. This interactive session will guide therapists through evidence-based protocols and activities that can be used to address a variety of physical, cognitive and social goals while promoting active engagement in older adults receiving RT services. Resources for adapting equipment and activities, selecting standardized measurement tools, documenting outcomes, gaining administrative approvals and training staff will also be presented.

Learning Outcomes - Provide three measurable learning objectives for the session that relate to the NCTRC Job Anaylsis.

Following this session, participants will be able to:

A. Discuss features of the Beamz Interactive Music System that enable participation in music-making activities for older adults with diverse health conditions and disabilities.

B. Identify goals that can be addressed by recreational therapists working with older adults through the use of evidence-based protocols and activities that incorporate the Beamz Interactive Music System and Beamz Therapy Resources.

C. Describe specific measurement tools and session reports that can be utilized to facilitate treatment and document client progress both within individual sessions and following extended treatment over multiple sessions.

Detailed Session Outline - Include time spent on each portion of the outline. An example is given in the help text.

Outline of Session

I. Background Information/Rationale (10 minutes)

A. Music as a Leisure Interest/Recreational Activity

B. Why Active Music Making?

C. Why Technology?  Why the Beamz?

II. Introduction to the Beamz (20 minutes)

  1. History
  2. Features, Set up options & software installation
  3. Beamz App and Beamz Controller

III. Music and Older Adults – Current Evidence (10 Minutes)

  1. Cognitive Benefits
  2. Psychosocial Benefits
  3. Physical Benefits

IV. The Beamz with Older Adults (15 minutes)

  1. Overview of Use with Geriatrics
  2. Beamz Therapy Guide Development and Field Testing
  3. Current Evidence Base – Review of completed and in-progress Beamz studies

V. Overview of Specific Protocols in the Beamz Therapy Guide (35 minutes)

  1. Protocol Format
  2. Content in Specific Protocols

VI. Hands-on Practice Setting Up and Implementing Specific Protocols (35 minutes)

VII. Treatment Goals and Measurement Tools (20 minutes)

VIII. Adaptations (10 minutes)

  1. Display options and wireless set-up
  2. High and Low Tech Assistive Technology Supports

IX. Support for your Program (10 minutes)

  1. Gaining Administrative Approval
  2. Training Your Staff

X. Other Resources (5 minutes)

XI. Discussion and Questions (10 minutes)


NCTRC Job Analysis.
Foundational Knowledge: Theories and Concepts, Practice Guidelines, Diagnostic Groupings
Assessment Process: Selections and Implementation of Assessment, Assessment Domains
Documentation: Individualized intervention plan, Discharge/transition plan
Implementation: Selection of programs, Modalities and/or interventions
Target Audience
New Graduates/New Professionals
Mid-Career Professionals
Seasoned Professionals


Rhonda Nelson, Ph.D., CTRS, MT-BC, Temple University