MATSOL 2016 Conference Online Program
Reimagining Narrative: Developing Voice for Academic Essays through Creative Writing
Drawing from available research, the speakers will demonstrate that creative writing, an often undervalued genre, offers ESL students a place to negotiate their identities as writers and develop language authority, ultimately leading to stronger academic writing. Throughout the presentation, the speakers will offer practical classroom applications at varying proficiency levels.
Session Type
Interactive Workshop (45 minutes)
Topic Strand
Reading, Writing, Literacy
Primary Audience
College or University ESL Programs
Secondary Audience
General (of interest to PK-12, adult, and higher education)
Andrea Paquin, University of New Hampshire
Biographical Statement
Andrea Paquin, M.Ed., is a Lecturer in the ESL Institute at the University of New Hampshire
Kristin Roberts Raymond, University of New Hampshire
Biographical Statement
Kristin Roberts Raymond, M.A. TESOL, is a Lecturer in the ESL Institute at the University of New Hampshire
Email Address
Carolyn Hutton, University of New Hampshire
Biographical Statement
Carolyn Hutton, M.A. English Literature, is a Lecturer in the ESL Institute at the University of New Hampshire