MATSOL 2016 Conference Online Program
Breaking News! Using newspapers in ESL class improves academic skills!
viernes, el 6 de mayo de 2016 a las 14:30–15:15 EDT
9 Middlesex E
This workshop will share creative and practical ideas for using the newspaper in an academic ESL class. Attendees will leave with activity ideas to support reading, writing, speaking, listening and grammar objectives as well as essay assignments and current research supporting the use of newspapers for teaching academic ESL.
Session Type
Interactive Workshop (45 minutes)
Topic Strand
Reading, Writing, Literacy
Primary Audience
College or University ESL Programs
Secondary Audience
High Schools (9-12)
Sarah Jusseaume, University of New Hampshire
Biographical Statement
Sarah Jusseaume has a MA/Applied Linguistics and teaches ESL at the University of New Hampshire. Before that, she taught in South Korea and Boston.