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2016 Conference

del 5 al 6 de May del 2016

Framingham, MA

MATSOL 2016 Conference Online Program


*Understanding of the IEP Process

jueves, el 5 de mayo de 2016 a las 09:30–11:00 EDT
1 Grand South

This session is designed to support ELL educators in building an understanding of key points in the determination of eligibility for special education, and how to best use this information to effectively participate in the process.

Session Type

Interactive Workshop (90 minutes)

Topic Strand

Specific Populations

Primary Audience

PK-12 Schools

Secondary Audience

General (of interest to PK-12, adult, and higher education)


maria campanario, BA; MEd; CAGS, English Language Learner with Disabilities Educator
Biographical Statement

Maria has over 37 years in educational teaching and administrative roles. Her work has focused on effective schools, project based learning, literacy, ELLs and ELLSWD.


