An Update from the PCC URIs in MARC Task Group
Product or Program Track
General/ Strategic--Not Product Specific
Session Description
In recent years the MARC format has been extended to provide for identifiers for a wide range of entities represented in bibliographic and authority records, but thus far these new elements have not consistently been populated. Moreover, the current practice is generally to supply an alphanumeric string rather than a URI (a key requirement for the effective dissemination of data on the Semantic Web) even though URIs are available in many cases. This session will be an update from the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) URIs in MARC Task Group which has been working since the Fall of 2015 to define best practices for capturing URIs in MARC. These best practices have the potention to enable for easier management of our data in our local systems, new use cases in our discovery environments, and ultimately result in more interconnected data when we convert our legacy data to linked data.