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2016 Annual Meeting

May 3–6, 2016

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Facing the Fear of Normal(ization)

Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 11:15 AM–12:00 PM CDT
Meeting Room 9
Product or Program Track


Session Description

This presentation will introduce the basics of Primo normalization rules for those Primo back-end users who are new to normalization concepts and may not have a background in systems maintenance or programming. The presentation will give a very brief overview of the purpose of normalization and explain it for a non-technical audience. It will then look at the back-end space where the normalization rules are configured. This area will also be explained for those with a non-technical background.  Tips and best practices that I discovered while creating and testing rules will be shared. The core of the presentation will show two or three step-by-step examples of customized normalization rules that enhanced Northeastern University’s Primo.  The techniques covered in these rules can be easily applied to the creation of other rules.



Kristin L Flachsbart, Northeastern University