The Galileo's World Exhibition: Using state-of-the-art technology to drive library exhibitions to new heights
Product or Program Track
General/ Strategic--Not Product Specific
Session Description
The University of Oklahoma is celebrating its 125th anniversary. In recognition, the University Libraries launched "Galileo's World: An Exhibition Without Walls." It covers 3 campuses, 7 locations around the state and 20 exhibits. Every work on display was digitized and loaded into a Fedora repository with an Islandora interface layer. A NavApp was developed using indoor/outdoor guidance positioning technologyt to lead users between locations on campus as wall as through the exhibits. Tablet technology was used to provide detailed ebooks and videos supporting the exhibits. A new Drupal website was developed to weave everything together and make it possible for people everywhere to experience the exhbition and all of the displays, virtually. A 20 foot replica of the Tower of Pisa was built in the library lobby. Finally, hack-a-thon's were used to engage students. The exhibition shows users how knowledge builds on knowledge and why libraries and science are so very important today.