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2016 Developers Day

3 de mayo de 2016

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

martes, el 3 de mayo de 2016 a las 09:30–09:45 CDT
Cox Convention 20
Developer Topics
Integration / Interoperability
API's and Web Services
Other Ex Libris Products (Rosetta, Voyager, SFX, Aleph, etc)
Developer Topic Description

We use a competing vendor's Discovery platform and wish to project Aleph patron data onto that system. There are potential problems when one vendor's system operates directly against a competitor's API. We developed a light-weight, intermediate layer that accepts API calls from the external vendor, and then handles the calls to the Aleph API internally. This session will describe why we did this, how we did it, and some specific use cases that demonstrate how this approach enabled us to solve some known problems


Rich Wenger, MIT