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2016 Developers Day

3 de mayo de 2016

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Cooking with jQuery.PRIMO

martes, el 3 de mayo de 2016 a las 13:30–14:00 CDT
Cox Convention 20
Developer Topics

jQuery.PRIMO usage (javascript library)

Developer Topic Description

If we want to add new features to PRIMO we need to have the possibility to make decisions and to be able to do this we need data. Most of it is available in some obscure function or on screen like records, facets, the executed query, user name, login status, view code, ... jQuery.PRIMO exposes these as a model that you can query.

Now the question might remain what can I do with it?

I want to cover a couple of use cases that show how you can use jQuery.PRIMO to gather statistics, show or hide data depending on session information or build new screen widgets, ...


Mehmet Celik, KULeuven/LIBIS