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2016 Developers Day

3 de mayo de 2016

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Use of Alma's Digital Format Support

martes, el 3 de mayo de 2016 a las 16:35–16:50 CDT
Cox Convention 20
Developer Topics
Integration / Interoperability
API's and Web Services
Third Party Integrations
Alma and/or Primo
Developer Topic Description

Alma and Primo's support for the digital format has been expanded in recent releases to include bulk upload support in Alma and improvements in discovery/delivery of digital content. This presentation will summarize these developments and the use of Alma APIs in working with the digital format. Additionally, the use of third-party Amazon Web Services S3 (Simple Storage Service) tools to manage digital content loaded into Alma will be demonstrated.


Al Cornish, Orbis Cascade Alliance
Ray Henry, Orbis Cascade Alliance
Kyle Banerjee, Oregon Health & Science University