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2016 National Conference

du 2 au 4 May 2016

Twin Cities, MN

Short Talk 0: Short Talks

mardi 3 mai 2016 à 09:15–09:40 CDT
Session Description

Short Talks are designed to share provocative ideas and unique perspectives from thought leaders both within and outside philanthropy. Join up to three Short Talks by selecting one speaker during each of the three rounds. If you are struggling to make a selection, know that the Short Talks will be recorded for online viewing following the conference.


There will be a short break between each talk to allow you time to make your next selection and change rooms, if necessary. There is no Q&A allowed during Short Talks, but following the last (third) round of talks, each speaker will pair up with a moderator for a discussion with the audience — so hold onto your questions!


There will be three rounds with three speakers per round


Round 1: 9:15 – 9:40 a.m.
Round 2: 9:55 – 10:20 a.m.
Round 3: 10:35 – 11:00 a.m.

Session Designers


Primary Points Of Contact

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