North Carolina Teacher Preparation: Transformations for Dual Language
Session Type
Paper/Best Practice Session (1 hour)
Immersion/Partner Language(s)
Not Language Specific
Context/program model
Two-Way Bilingual Immersion
Program Summary
This presentation showcases the results of a three-year study regarding best practices for teacher preparation courses, specifically targeting K-12 dual language teachers. The qualitative findings provide rich and informative recommendations related to the uniqeness of dual language pedagogy, assessment, and ultimately the transformation of UNC Charlotte teacher preparation programs.
Abstract/Description for Paper, Discussion, and Laptop Poster presentations
With an increased emphasis on the expansion of P-12 dual language programs in North Carolina districts, there is an ever-increasing need for more dual language teachers. While many dual language classrooms have highly qualified teachers, there continue to be great challenges associated with finding bilingual, biliterate teachers in North Carolina and nation-wide. Likewise, there are severely limited teacher preparation programs that specifically focus on the unique pedagogical configurations necessary for teaching and learning content-based instruction in two languages. Similarly, authentic assessments within the process are also progressively challenging to address. This presentation focuses on the results of a three-year, qualitative study including in-depth interviews with over 25 dual language educators from North Carolina and New Mexico regarding teacher preparation programs. Specific features are highlighted based on the current demands of dual language classrooms, shaping the study's findings to serve the field with recommendations for transforming teacher preparation programs. Some examples include targeted courses for dual language teachers. Participants glean classroom and administrative details from new program perspectives as well as historical views in long-standing dual language settings. The presentation reveals aspects related to UNC Charlotte proposed undergraduate and graduate program development, coursework in the areas of biliteracy, dual language methods, authentic assessment, and the formation of specialized dual language practicum experiences. Participants will have opportunities for interactive collaboration and discussions connected to the elements of the coursework, development, and the outcomes related to teacher licensure.
Lead Presenter/organizer
Joan Lachance, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Assistant Professor
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