BRIDGE Law Reports for My Middle School: Capturing Data, Tracking, and Reporting
Friday, November 4, 2016 at 8:00 AM–9:15 AM EDT
Room 308 (80)
Presenter Name(s)
Markita J. Grant
Target Audience
Counselor Educator, Supervisor
Counselor Educator, Supervisor
This workshop will present a real-time and step-by-step walk-through of the student experience, parent experience, and administrative experience for completing, reviewing, and reporting requirements for BRIDGE Law milestones (HB 400) for middle grades.
Attendees will also learn of tips for creating customization for school specific needs, see a demonstration of exporting real-time data and reports to excel, and see recent updates to the Georgia Career Information System (GCIS).
Please select the interest areas your proposal covers
Tools for working smarter, not harder
ASCA Model
Information Technology
ASCA Model
Information Technology