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2016 Annual Conference

del 7 al 11 de November del 2016

Albuquerque, NM

Veterans in Higher Education: A Tool for Transition

miércoles, el 9 de noviembre de 2016 a las 08:15–09:00 MST
Enchantment C (24)
Session Abstract

This qualitative study explores the experiences of veterans utilizing higher education as a tool for transitioning from the military to the civilian workforce. Emphasis is placed on factors such as veterans as adult learners, motivation, perceived barriers, supports systems and institutions of higher learning as a transitioning tool.

Target Audience

The target audience for this informative session are: veterans, adult learners, adult educators, graduate students, faculty and staff in institutions of higher education.

Session Description

The transitioning of veterans (post 911) from the military to the civilian workforce is a crucial topic which has prompted much attention from the perspective of the military, the civilian workforce and institutions of higher education. Much research and resources have been allocated to assist with the transitioning of veterans from the military. However, research is limited with regards to how veterans perceive higher education as a tool for transitioning to the civilian workforce specifically motivational factors, perceived barriers, support systems and veterans in particular as adult learners. This qualitative study, utilizing focus groups, explored the experiences of veterans in higher education with the view of addressing this gap in the literature. This study is also intended to not only highlight the experiences of veterans in higher education but to provide additional insight how enrollment into institutions of higher education can contribute to a more successful transition from the military to the civilian workforce.

Primary Presenter

Dr. Yvonne Hunter-Johnson, Southern Illinois University

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order

Mrs. Tingting Liu, MA, Southern Illinois University
Malinda Suprise, Southern Illinois University