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2016 Annual Conference

November 7–11, 2016

Albuquerque, NM

Advocacting for Adult Basic Education: COABE and the COABE Journal

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 at 10:30 AM–11:15 AM MST
Fiesta 2 (24)
Session Abstract

This session will introduce COABE and the COABE Journal. It will discuss COABE’s approach to advocacy as well as the possible ways to publish work in the journal.

Target Audience

Anyone interested in or working in the areas of literacy, basic education or high school equivalency.

Session Description

This session will introduce the work of COABE; describe its advocacy role; and focus on its journal and the ways individuals can publish in it. The purpose of the session is to continue the collaboration between the two associations and to make the work of the journal available to the AAACE audience. After a brief presentation on both aspects, the discussion will broaden to discuss advocacy for the adult basic education and literacy populations and programs and the ways that the journal can best serve this population.

Primary Presenter

Dr. Amy D. Rose, Northern Illinois University

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order
