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2016 Annual Conference

November 7–11, 2016

Albuquerque, NM

Community College Intergenerational Learners: Navigating a Student Success Environment

Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 3:30 PM–4:15 PM MST
Enchantment C (24)
Session Abstract

This qualitative study presents empirical data on adult learner and traditional age community learners’ perceptions of their perceptions and experiences of studying within a community college environment that is intensely focused upon student success reform initiatives.

Target Audience

Professionals who are interested in adult learners in postsecondary settings, particularly community colleges, would benefit from this session. Practitioners and scholars who work with community college or other postsecondary faculty, student services or administrative personnel would potentially benefit from this session, especially in terms of understanding and serving inter-generational students. This session is an appropriate fit for anyone interested in adult learners or adult learning in colleges.

Session Description

The purpose of this study is to build a substantive understanding and analysis of how community college adult learners and traditional age learners experience and perceive intensive institutional efforts to improve student success. The theoretical framework combines a working model of excellence in community colleges proposed by the Aspen Institute for Excellence and an application of Saldana’s qualitative conceptualization of daily interactions and experiences. The study is based upon nearly 200 hours of observational and interview data collection, as well as artifact analysis. Findings are organized around understanding adult learner and traditional age learner perceptions and experiences in community colleges focused upon a student success reform agenda. The findings include: 1) Student perceptions of evolving community college mission; 2) Everyday student experience surrounding shifts in institutional perspective and corresponding policies and daily practices; 3) The intensification of the student experience due to increased expectations for faculty, staff and leaders to be intentional and consistent in supporting student success; 4) Shifts in intergenerational and adult learning dynamics in community college environments. This research study contributes to an important topic facing community colleges today and has implications for both adult education and community college research and practice.

Primary Presenter

Dr Susan J Barcinas, North Carolina State University

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order

Dr Duane Akroyd, North Carolina State University
Susan Barcinas, North Carolina State University