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2016 Annual Conference

du 7 au 11 November 2016

Albuquerque, NM

Using Digital Signage with Self Care for Health Promotion in the community

jeudi 10 novembre 2016 à 08:00–08:45 MST
Enchantment E (27)
Session Abstract

Promoting healthy personal lifestyle choices made in a social context can have a powerful influence over one’s health status. Health promotion using digital signage are advantageous to the public and community. The content displayed in digital signage to promote self-care for health promotion can be adapted to real life context.

Target Audience

This presentation will share the efforts to implement an AU Outreach funded project, Auburn University: Taking “It” to the People Southern Style (AU:TIPSS). The project applies to all adults concerned with maintaining their health. The health promotion self-care messages is a culturally relevant manner using translational research strategies to persons frequenting six selected sites in five counties in the South East, However, it can be translated to all willing to engaged in self-management of their health. The ultimate goal is to increase awareness of a state of the science/evidenced-based practices and empower citizens to become more engaged in their self-care.

Session Description

This presentation will share the efforts to implement an AU Outreach funded project, Auburn University: Taking “It” to the People Southern Style (AU:TIPSS). The project provides state of the science health promotion self-care messages in a culturally relevant manner using translational research strategies to persons frequenting six selected sites in five counties (Lee, Chambers, Bullock, Russell and Macon). AU TIPSS provides tailored health messages to be streamed continuously so that persons frequenting the selected site might have the opportunity to gain information about keeping themselves and their family healthy. Audiences who are exposed to the health promotion messages have the advantage of viewing and reading the information over and over again.
Monthly, a variety of nonintervention messages are covered including illnesses, health promotions, and wellness was included to complete the content stream. Health information such as, the flu, AIDS, stroke, and heart attack are looped every 60 seconds. Other health and wellness subjects such as healthy eating, safe driving, hand washing, and poison prevention are presented.

Primary Presenter

Sola Popoola, Auburn University

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order

Dr. Constance Hendricks, Concordia University
Valarie Thomas, MSN, RN, Auburn University
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