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2016 Annual Conference

du 7 au 11 November 2016

Albuquerque, NM

Adult learners' resistance revisited: How alienation is reproduced in a national lifelong learning education system

jeudi 10 novembre 2016 à 09:00–09:45 MST
Fiesta 1 (24)
Session Abstract

This presentation addresses adult learners’ resistance in the national lifelong education system of the Republic of Korea. The study critically examined how a national institution’s top-down, bureaucratic pedagogical system for distance adult learners collided with their individual expectations and needs.

Target Audience

scholars, researchers, and students who are interested in critical adult education

Session Description

Despite an extensive interest in critical pedagogy in the context of adult education institutions and programs over the last several decades, the emancipatory value of adult learners’ resistance has been under-theorized concept in adult education research. Drawing upon critical ethnography, this research illuminated that the students critically reflected upon their social position and the societal value of their learning as a ramification of their resistance. To provoke a critical discourse on the politics of adult education, this study documented how adult learners experienced resistance through their participation in a national lifelong education system and consequently underwent the reproduction of alienation as a result of their learning.

Primary Presenter

K.P. Joo, Korea National Open University

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order

DAHYEON CHO, Korea University
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