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Sixth International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education: Connecting Research and Practice Across Contexts

du 20 au 22 October 2016

Hyatt Regency Hotel, Minneapolis, MN, USA

The Object Fair: Teacher Swap Shop Lesson, PreK-2

vendredi 21 octobre 2016 à 10:00–11:00 CDT
Lake Nokomis
Session Type

Discussion Session (1 hour)

Immersion/Partner Language(s)


Context/program model

One-Way Second/Foreign Language Immersion

Elementary (K-5)
Program Summary

This round up integrated content lesson is based on social studies & science content lessons students have dealt with throughout the week, namely the description of objects, their origin and what they are made of.

The activities the students must carry out focus on students' oral production as well as their capacity to listen to a description of an object, understand it and find it on their bingo cards.

The grammatical features we will work on this lesson are WH questions. We decided to work on these features based on our Brazilian students’ needs regarding the difficulty they have when making WH questions accurately.

It's supposed to be a fun class as students will not only play the object definition bingo by the end of the lesson, as well as play a guessing game when trying to understand what their peers have drawn.

While students are working on the activity, the teacher is supposed to eavesdrop on each group or pair of students, to be able to assess their performance as well as help them when they make mistakes on the spot. 

Lead Presenter/organizer

Ana Maria Gurgel, Colégio Laser Solar dos Lagos


State (in US) or Country



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