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2018 Annual Conference

del 14 al 17 de April del 2018

New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans, LA

Check Your Privilege! An Interactive Session on Inclusion and Equality

lunes, el 16 de abril de 2018 a las 10:45–11:45 CDT
Studio 9 (125)
Session Description

Many of us approach our professional roles unaware of the unconscious decisions we make that impact how we interact with our colleagues and how we advocate for our students. Come check your privilege with 3 panelists who worked together and learned from one another. Open minds strongly encouraged!

Intended Audience


Head Presenter

Catherine Powell Box, Woodberry Forest School
Head Presenter: State


Additional Presenters

Stephen Brown, Woodward Hines Education Foundation (Get2College)
Presenter Information: State


Carina Lindsey, M.S., NCC, Belhaven University
Presenter Information: State

