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2018 Transformative Learning Conference

del 8 al 9 de March del 2018

Oklahoma City, OK


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Transformative Learning in the Design and Implementation of an Advanced Foreign Language Curriculum

jueves, el 8 de marzo de 2018 a las 10:25–11:15 CST
Young Ballroom E

Transformative Learning “is a process of examining, questioning, validating, and revising our perspectives” (Cranton, 2016).  It is about inviduals making introspective decisions leading to positive changes of behavior. This approach is particularly relevant and important to foreign language teachers striving to help students to attain, not only linguistic, but socio-cultural competencies. Developing higher order cognitive and critical thinking skills prepares  learners to function in an increasingly globalized and rapidly changing world.

The presenters will share experiences in designing and implementing an advanced-level foreign language curriculum using tranformative learning principles.  Authentic target language country materials (covering environmental, cultural, social, medical and diplomatic issues) are selected to improve students’ ability to analzye, evaluate, synthesize and infer meaning between-the-lines and beyond-the-text to gain a deeper understanding of issues from multiple perspectives and applied gained knowledge to solve real world problems. The 3-Phase Model in each lesson takes learners through a cycle of tranformative experience: (1) Opinion Forming; (2) Opinion Validating/Challenging/Expanding; and (3) New Opinion Forming.  The presenters will discuss the approaches/strategies in implementing a curriculum employing rational discourse/dialog through peer teaching and teachers as facilitators. Attendees will be provided with a 3-Phase Model Lesson Template and a list of activites promoting transformative learning.


Transformative Learning “is a process of examining, questioning, validating, and revising our perspectives” (Cranton, 2016).  It is about inviduals making introspective decisions leading to positive changes of behavior. This approach is particularly relevant and important to foreign language teachers striving to help students to attain, not only linguistic, but socio-cultural competencies. Developing higher order cognitive and critical thinking skills prepares  learners to function in an increasingly globalized and rapidly changing world.

The presenters will share experiences in designing and implementing an advanced-level foreign language curriculum using tranformative learning principles.  Authentic target language country materials (covering environmental, cultural, social, medical and diplomatic issues) are selected to improve students’ ability to analzye, evaluate, synthesize and infer meaning between-the-lines and beyond-the-text to gain a deeper understanding of issues from multiple perspectives and applied gained knowledge to solve real world problems. The 3-Phase Model in each lesson takes learners through a cycle of tranformative experience: (1) Opinion Forming; (2) Opinion Validating/Challenging/Expanding; and (3) New Opinion Forming.  The presenters will discuss the approaches/strategies in implementing a curriculum employing rational discourse/dialog through peer teaching and teachers as facilitators. They will also share students’ comments about their experiences in different stages of transformatgive learning.

The presenters will ask attendees the following questions:
1. Most important components for incorporating the transformative learning principles when designing an advanced-level foreign language course curriculum.
2. Teacher's and student's role in transformative learning. Teacher's preparation for this role.
3. The role of technology in effective teaching through innovation and empowerment.
4. Deep learning through autonomy and meaningful student's engagement. 

Attendees will be provided with a 3-Phase Model Lesson Template and a list of activites promoting transformative learning.


Cranton, P. (2006). Understanding and promoting transformative learning: A guide for educators of adults (2nd ed.). San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Mezirow, J, Taylor, E.W. & Associates (2009). Transformative learning in practice: Insights from community, workplace and higher education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Format of Presentation

50-Minute Interactive Session

Conference Thread(s)

Launching Transformative Learning

Primary Presenter

Yi Long, Hawaii Learning Center

Secondary Presenters
