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2018 Transformative Learning Conference

del 8 al 9 de March del 2018

Oklahoma City, OK


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Communicating TL Research, Essays, and Teaching in the Journal of Transformative Learning (JoTL)

viernes, el 9 de marzo de 2018 a las 11:30–12:00 CST

Conference attendees can explore opportunities to communicate about transformative learning through a conversation with the Journal of Transformative Learning (JoTL) co-editors. This session explores the three types of submissions (research, essays, and teaching notes) accepted for JoTL publication and offers examples of recent submissions and publications. Upcoming JoTL Special Issue Calls will be discussed as well as the inquiry process for becoming a Special Issue editor for a future JoTL issue. Steeped in view of transformative learning as an active process of learning that encourages seeing new things, seeing old things differently, and re-conceptualizing mindsets, the JoTL seeks to foster dialogue that culminates in richer resources for transformative learning practice.


Conference attendees can explore opportunities to communicate about transformative learning through a conversation with the Journal of Transformative Learning (JoTL) co-editors. This session explores the three types of submissions (research, essays, and teaching notes) accepted for JoTL publication and offers examples of recent submissions and publications. Upcoming JoTL Special Issue Calls will be discussed as well as the inquiry process for becoming a Special Issue editor for a future JoTL issue. Steeped in view of transformative learning as an active process of learning that encourages seeing new things, seeing old things differently, and re-conceptualizing mindsets, the JoTL seeks to foster dialogue that culminates in richer resources for transformative learning practice.

Format of Presentation

30-Minute Roundtable Session

Conference Thread(s)

Communicating Transformative Learning

Primary Presenter

Jeanetta Sims, University of Central Oklahoma

Secondary Presenters

Ed Cunliff, University of Central Oklahoma