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2013 Annual Conference

du 5 au 8 November 2013

Lexington, KY

It is time to review the schedule for the placement of your session in the AAACE Agenda. This is the final draft of the Schedule. When you look up your name, use the detail listing to check what days/times you asked to be placed. This is a huge program and we can accommodate necessary changes in day and time now, but may not be able to do so after September 1, 2013 except in emergencies. Please carefully check your placement and send any requests to Ginger Phillips, AAACE Conference Planner with AAACE Session Change Request in the subject line. We will respond to your email, but it may take us up to a week to do so. Thanks for your help in "fine tuning" this agenda!

Team Mentor Training of Volunteer Youth Workers

jeudi 7 novembre 2013 à 15:30–16:15 EST
Type of Presentation


Session Abstract

The purpose of this action research study was to investigate the impact of mentor training on the relationships of pairs of volunteers working with youth at a leadership development seminar.

Target Audience

This session is ideal for scholars and practitioners interested in the training and development of volunteers in community settings. Additionally, individuals who are interested in action research or mentorship in general should attend.

Learning Outcomes

Learners will have be able to

identify and discuss action research designs and methods of analysis;

discuss literature relevant to mentoring of volunteers in community settings;

discuss and generalize findings of this study that are relevant to their own research and practice.

Session Description

This session will examine how two researchers worked with 32 pairs of volunteers to provide and support ongoing training on mentoring at a youth leadership development seminar. This research is important because while training of volunteers is often part of the mission community-based organizations, less often is there training on how these volunteers can work to support one another in the development of their volunteer roles. The impact of this action research study is additional insight on how to construct pathways for the ongoing skills development of volunteer teams through peer mentoring.

Efforts are made to try to schedule sessions on the day preferred by the Primary Presenter, though this cannot be guaranteed. Please check your preference.

No preference

Primary Presenter

Angela Clare Undercuffler, M.A., Dickinson College
Work Title

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order.

Gregory Carrow-Boyd, M.Ed, The Pennsylvania State University–Harrisburg
Work Title
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