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2018 Annual Meeting

May 1–4, 2018

Davenport Grand, Spokane, WA

Email Branding for a Multi-Institutional Instance of Alma

Friday, May 4, 2018 at 1:30 PM–2:15 PM PDT
Birch Ballroom
Product or Program Track


Session Description

The libraries at the University of Denver and the Iliff School of Theology joined Alma in 2016 on the same institutional instance.  While there were many benefits to this approach, it did create problems for the branding in automatically generated email notices sent to patrons directly from Alma.  This session will detail how librarians from the University of Denver and the Iliff School of Theology utilized XSLT to present the appropriate branding to library patrons within email notices.

Target Audience Skill Level



Ryan F. Buller, University of Denver

Session Materials
