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2013 Annual Conference

du 5 au 8 November 2013

Lexington, KY

It is time to review the schedule for the placement of your session in the AAACE Agenda. This is the final draft of the Schedule. When you look up your name, use the detail listing to check what days/times you asked to be placed. This is a huge program and we can accommodate necessary changes in day and time now, but may not be able to do so after September 1, 2013 except in emergencies. Please carefully check your placement and send any requests to Ginger Phillips, AAACE Conference Planner with AAACE Session Change Request in the subject line. We will respond to your email, but it may take us up to a week to do so. Thanks for your help in "fine tuning" this agenda!

Teaching in China: Motivation, Values and Ethics and Why the Chinese Want to Learn from Americans

jeudi 7 novembre 2013 à 10:15–11:00 EST
Type of Presentation

Concurrent Session (45 minutes)

Session Abstract

The author spent the summer of 2012 teaching graduate students and professors at Anhui University of Finance and Economics in China. This paper is an initial summary of her findings.

Target Audience

Anyone interested in 1) the impact of China on the global economy, 2) Teaching and Learning outside the USA, or 3) Multicultural experiences as a source of learning.

Learning Outcomes

Learners will be able to engage in discussion about the impact of education on the global economy and will be able to analyze cultural differences between China and the United States as those differences impact teaching and learning.

Session Description

The Chinese are seeking opportunities to learn from Americans. It is likely that,even if you do not go to China, Chinese students will show up on your campuses and in your classrooms. To be effective in working with these students, you will need to understand what they need from you. This session will provide an opportunity for you to begin to develop knowledge that will help you with teaching effectiveness.

Efforts are made to try to schedule sessions on the day preferred by the Primary Presenter, though this cannot be guaranteed. Please check your preference.

Thursday November 7

Primary Presenter

Dr. Catherine Marsh, North Park University
Work Title


Additional Presenters: Enters In Order.

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