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2018 Annual Conference

October 2–5, 2018

Myrtle Beach, SC

Grit and Self-Directed Learning: Intersections, Connections, and Implications for Practice with Adult Learners

Friday, October 5, 2018 at 9:00 AM–9:45 AM EDT
Atlantic 4
Type of Presentation Requested

Concurrent Session

Session Abstract

Various adult learning scholars have explored connections between adult learning and positive psychology, with a goal of identifying philosophical and empirical intersections. Following this established path, this presentation explores Grit and Self-Directed Learning, and how fostering both can help adult learners persist toward their long-term learning goals.

Primary Presenter

Gwen Scott Ruttencutter, University of Tennessee Knoxville

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order

Ralph Brockett, University of Tennessee