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2019 Annual Conference

October 8–11, 2019

St. Louis, MO

Bridging the Gap Between Academics and Practitioners: Learning to Speak the Same Language

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 9:45 AM–10:30 AM CDT
Grand C (85)
Select the FIRST area in which your presentation best fits.

Research to Practice

Presentation Format Requested

Fast Format (7 minutes)

Session Abstract

Ideally, academics and practitioners work together to develop research and theory. However, there are often challenges to creating these working relationships, sometimes due to a lack of awareness and inability to communicate across professional boundaries. In this co-facilitated session, strategies to create effective and equitable academic-practitioner relationships will be explored. 

Target Audience

Academics and all others interested in creating collaborative, academic-practitioner relationships will be interested in this session. 

Learning Outcomes

Attendees will be able to:
describe the varied and often divergent norms of academia and practitioner teaching environments,
summarize strategies academics can utilize to create effective collaborative relationships with practitioners.

Session Description

Ideally, academics and practitioners work together to develop research and theory. However, there are often challenges to creating these working relationships, as members of each group operate under the norms and practices of their respective fields.  This session will explore the obstacles and potential solutions with the goal of assisting attendees to establish effective and equitable academic-practitioner relationships. These strategies will emphasize the importance of critical reflection and cross-professional communication. It is hoped that this brief exploration of the topic will enhance current and encourage future collaborations between academia and practitioners. 

Format & Technique

The preferred format for this proposal is the Fast Format, which utilizes timed PowerPoint slides and limited lecture. Therefore, the presenters will adhere to this format. 

Primary Presenter

Mr Michael McGlenen, B.Sc., B.Ed., MS, Coquitlam Education
Work Title

Additional Presenters

Christy M. Rhodes, Ph.D., East Carolina University
Work Title