Is Studying Abroad For You: Inventory for Potential Education Abroad Program Participants
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Colleges and Universities
Presentation Format Requested
Poster (60-90 minutes)
Session Abstract
Although the benefits of traveling and learning abroad are well documented, it is uncomfortable truth that not every participant enjoys their learning experience abroad. This session aims to increase pre-departure preparedness and knowledge of trip expectations by providing an inventory for potential participants and trip facilitators.
Target Audience
This session will be of interest not only to education abroad program coordinators but also to facilitators of education abroad programs (study tours) and any educator with an interest in education abroad/international education. Professionals outside of the academic setting might also find value in a resource designed to prepare travelers for immersion in another culture.
Learning Outcomes
Identify “problem areas” or areas of concern that learners/participant might be unaware and need to consider before deciding to participate.
Recognize when a learners/participant might be too closed off to benefit from the experiential learning experience.
Gain tools to help in pre-departure preparation.
Session Description
The benefits of traveling and learning abroad are well documented but it is an uncomfortable truth that not every participant enjoys their experience abroad or grows from it. This raises the question, is participating in a learning experience abroad the right choice for every one? Moreover, if the answer is no, how do program coordinators and trip facilitators decide which learners/participants to allow to participate in their programs? This session will address these questions and provide program coordinators and trip facilitators with an inventory that helps potential participants evaluate their readiness to participate in learning abroad programs.
Format & Technique
This is a poster presentation.