Relax! You can do it too: Creating videos with accessible and easy-to-use technologies
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CPAE CoConference : Professional Development Workshop
Presentation Format Requested
CPAE CoConference Only: Professional Development Workshop (90 minutes)
Session Abstract
You don't need to be a Hollywood director to create interesting videos. Thanks to the smartphone, apps, and online software, everyone can create great videos. In this workshop session, we will explore how to effectively use videos in courses and also create videos using freely available software. Let's get recording!
Target Audience
Instructional designers, instructors, administrators would all benefit from attending this session and considering different ways of engaging online learners
Learning Outcomes
This session aims to show participants:
• how instructor created videos create presence for learners
• different ways of incorporating videos into courses
• software options for easily creating videos
• how to create effective videos using freely available technologies
Session Description
Videos have been a part of teaching for a long time. The most common incorporation of videos into courses is as modes of content delivery. Instructors have recorded lectures in classrooms or recorded their powerpoint presentations. But videos can also be used in other ways to create presence for learners.
Videos are largely seen as a part of online courses but they are effective tools for all courses including face-to-face courses. Adult learners appreciate the flexibility of going back and accessing content that might have been mentioned during a classroom session. If the content is recorded, we can meet the needs of our adult learners more readily.
Enhancements in technology have made video creation more accessible. Instructors can now easily create videos on their phones and upload it to their courses. This ease of access makes this a timely moment to expand our conversation about using videos in courses. This session will explore different ways in which instructors can integrate videos in their courses and consider the benefits to learners.
The session will also consider different video creation tools that are freely available to instructors and walk participants through creating short videos and posting them on a video hosting platform. We will also discuss potential challenges associated with using videos.
Format & Technique
This is a workshop and will be an interactive and a hands on BYOD (bring your own device) session. The uses of videos in classes will be discussed in an open discussion format and suggestions for incorporating videos into courses will also be addressed.
The presenter will then show participants samples of some videos and introduce participants to the tools that were used to create the videos. The presenter will then walk participants through creating videos using two different technology tools and also work with participants to upload their videos to a hosting platform.
Primary Presenter
Dr. ANITA SAMUEL, Uniformed Services University
Work Title
Assistant Professor