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2019 Annual Conference

October 8–11, 2019

St. Louis, MO

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM): Understanding teachers’ behavioral Intention to manipulate technology in classrooms in developing countries

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 3:55 PM–4:35 PM CDT
Grand A (85)
Select the FIRST area in which your presentation best fits.

Adult Development

Presentation Format Requested

Shared Concurrent Session (Approx. 12 or 20 minutes)

Session Abstract

The purpose of this session is to discuss technology integration in developing countries. The presenter will pinpoint the changes related to student teachers’ behavioral intention in terms of accepting technology integration in teaching and learning in developing countries and compare it with that of the developed countries.

Target Audience

My first target audience is the adult educators who are interested in supporting their students 21sst Century skills especially collaboration and critical thinking. It is often the responsibility of adult educators to equip trainees with the tools and skills needed to meet the workforce requirements. In addition, adult educators who need support with technology integration to motivate student involvement in various classroom environments. Overall, adult educators who are concerned with effective technology integration and with issues related to cultural differences would find help within the session. 

Learning Outcomes

1-Identify the TAM as a pedagogical tool in the classroom.
2-Recognize the difference between teaching with technology and technology in teaching.
2-Define the transformational learning environment as a result of technology integration.
3-Recognize the various factors that drive the use of technology integration in the classroom.
4-Figure out some techniques to the technology integration in Curriculum for more learning enhancement.
5-Recognize that unplanned use of technology can end up having ruinous consequences in classrooms.
6-Create empirical strategies to advise teachers to ease students slowly into the process increasing their awareness of using technology that could influence their work abilities.

Session Description

I-I will start my session with a question about the importance of 21st-century skills in adult education learning.

2-Assure that integrating technology in teachers’ preparation program could provide an effective tool for more adaptation with the societal changes.

3-Share with the audience that there are some differences between the developed and developing countries in terms of the integrated technology in classrooms.

4-Share with the audiences some of the conducted studies in the developing countries for more focus on the internal resistance of technology integration in the classroom from the teachers.

5- Highlight the idea that technology enhances pedagogy only if the teachers understand it as another pedagogical means to achieve teaching and learning goals.

6- Emphasize that the attitude among student teachers have been shown to be an important determinant in the successful integration of technology in teaching and learning in their teaching practices.

7-Share with the audience some of the recent studies that compare the students’ teachers’ attitudes of technology integration in some developing and developed countries. 

8-End the session by asking the audience to think about the reasons for the technology integration resistance in their workplace and/ or the teachers’ preparation programs of their communities.

Format & Technique

There is a pressing need to understand whether the Technology Integration in the curriculum is effective in various cultures or not. As educators, we need to recognize that there is a global need for the development of 21st-century skills and we need to promote the use and acceptance of technology for learners from diverse backgrounds.  

Primary Presenter

Mrs Amira G Kaldas, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP)
Work Title

Graduate Assistant

Additional Presenters

Sir Hany y Zaky, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Work Title

Graduate Researcher/ ESL Instructor
