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2019 Annual Conference

October 8–11, 2019

St. Louis, MO

Designing an online course review process: One program's story

Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 9:00 AM–4:00 PM CDT
Grand F (85)
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CDLT PreConference Symposium: Emerging Issues in Distance Learning or Technology for Adult Learners

Presentation Format Requested

CDLT PreConference Only: Concurrent (20 to 45 minutes)

Session Abstract

Conducting online course reviews is a challenging task. This session presents how a new Health Professions Education program approached the process of course reviews to ensure maximum buy in from instructors. The session will describe the process that was implemented and the maintenance strategies being explored by the program.

Target Audience

Instructional designers, online instructors, administrators would all benefit from attending this session and considering different ways of engaging online learners.

Learning Outcomes

In this session, participants will:
* be introduced to an open source online course review process
* learn how to modify existing rubrics to best suit their needs
* learn how a new program implemented a course review process to ensure consistency and course quality
* consider how to launch a review process that will get maximum buy in from faculty

Session Description

Reviewing online courses has become an integral part of the life cycle of online courses. Yet this process creates anxiety in many instructors. This anxiety is exacerbated when instructors feel that their quality of teaching is being judged. In public institutions, it is difficult to mandate course reviews.

The Health Professions Education program at the Uniformed Services University is a new program that has instituted a course review process that builds on existing resources and the experiences of other programs. Rather than reinvent the wheel, in this program, we took best practices from established online programs and tried to implement a course review process that is less stressful to instructors while simultaneously ensuring course quality for learners.

In this session I will share how we have designed our review process and the outcomes that we are seeing.


Format & Technique

The session will begin with an introduction to the Health Professions Education program. I will then present the different course review strategies that we considered and the process that we finally implemented. I will discuss implementation strategies, what worked well and the challenges faced along the way. In the year 2019, there are a number of established and highly successful online programs that we can learn from. This session will present how a new program leveraged the experiences of established programs to create a new course review process.

Primary Presenter

Dr. ANITA SAMUEL, Uniformed Services University
Work Title

Assistant Professor
