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2019 Conference and Developers Day

du 26 au 29 August 2019


Please find below the IGeLU 2019 Conference, Developers' Day plus Ex Libris Knowledge Day Programme, in a slightly abbreviated form. The final and full version of the programme will be published in the IGeLU Conference App available from Apple Store & Google Play. The Conference Planning Committee reserves the right to make last minute alterations to the schedule where necessary.

Linked Data in Alma: URIs and BIBFRAME Conversion of MARC Tag 880

mardi 27 août 2019 à 16:00–17:00 +08
Max Atria Garnet 218
Conference or Developers' Day



Linked Data has emerged as a promising solution to transform library metadata creation and sharing. Globally unique identifiers, given in the form of URIs (Uniform Resource Identifies), are a key requirement for the effective dissemination of library data on the Semantic Web as well as for the conversion of legacy MARC records to Linked Data. The MARC format has been expanded to accommodate identifiers for a wide range of entities in bibliographic records. Bibliographic data in Alma has been enriched with URIs from various sources. In this presentation, two members of the Joint IGELU/ELUNA Working Group on Linked Open Data will highlight their findings on how URIs are handled in Alma comparing with the best practices by the PCC (Program for Cooperative Cataloging). The presenters will also discuss issues associated with converting MARC records with 880 parallel fields (particularly those related to access points) to BIBFRAME and share their preliminary thoughts on possible solutions. 

Main Topic
Linked Data


Xiaoli Li, University of California Davis Library
Presenter's job title

Head of Content Support Services

Mr Ki Tat Lam, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Library
Presenter's job title

Associate Director of Library Services & Head


Augusto Ribeiro, Moderator, University of Porto
Co-presenter's job title

Head, Documentation and Information Service

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