Adult Education for Collective Action: Fighting the Subjugation of Rural Communities
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Sustainability and Environmental Adult Education
Presentation Format Requested
Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
Session Abstract
To understand a variety of ways that social movement learning happens within the context of collective action, including informal, nonformal, and situated learning.
Target Audience
The target audience will include:
- Environmental activists and organizers.
- Adult educators working in communities with extreme extraction.
- Sustainability group members.
Learning Outcomes
Participants will learn:
To identify social movement learning mechanisms within the context of collective action, including informal, nonformal, and situated learning.
To understand the key mechanisms for creating solidarity and mobilizing the collective for community agency and support.
To identify various strategies and tactics for learning that can be utilized in one’s own community action campaigns related to environmental justice issues
Session Description
Session participants will learn of the background highlighting the struggle of the community members and the collective group known as Protect Elizabeth Township. This group will be used as a fulcrum for the discussion of collective action and social movement learning as they fight for human rights and environmental sustainability. The learning includes identifying relevant ordinances of the munipality and the state as well as legal precedents and court cases. Through use of actual video clips and role play, session participants will be immersed in the environment that provides the contextguiding and informing the learning mechanisms. Social movement groups and collective action practices will be detailed through an interactive empirical case study presentation with session attendees' input and ideas. The case study will include selected data pieces from interviews with the community members and the collective action group members and will serve to highlight the social movement learning mechanisms that position the community group for success. The session will colse with a few key take-aways for the participants' use in similar situations.
Format & Technique
The session will be conducted through an interactive presentation that includes input and ideas from the session participants. Two scenarios will be provided grounded in empirical data for discussion and debrief to further make the point of the leanring mechanisms.
Primary Presenter
Ramo J Lord, PhD, Capella University
Work Title
Core Faculty - Post Secondary and Adult Education