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2019 Annual Conference

October 8–11, 2019

St. Louis, MO

Master's Capstone: Millennial Preferences of Online Training from Professional Associations

Friday, October 11, 2019 at 8:00 AM–8:45 AM CDT
Grand C (85)
Select the FIRST area in which your presentation best fits.

Distance Learning (Technology and Online Learning)

Presentation Format Requested

Shared Concurrent Session (Approx. 12 or 20 minutes)

Session Abstract

Review & discuss findings of a Master's level qualitative research capstone project titled "Millennial Preferences of Online Learning Offerings from Professional Associations". A reflection and discussion of support systems, potential roadblocks, and "best practices" for graduate students conducting their first educational research studies to be included.


Target Audience

Graduate students, Talent Development Managers, HR Managers, Professional Association Leadership & Committee members, Distsance Education Professionals

Learning Outcomes

• Findings of research study on millennial preferences of online training from professional associations.
• Best practices and "lessons learned" for graduate students conducting initial research studies (qualitative or quantitative) in their academic discipline

Session Description

As millennials complete their transition into the workforce, professional associations (defined as groups that promote industry knowledge, community causes, or professional networking among their membership) must consider the training & development needs of this age cohort. This session will present findings of a Master's level capstone research project examining the preferences of millennials of online learning from professional associations. The survey-based research includes examinations of the type of skills requested for online learning (hard vs soft skills) and preference of online learning vs face-to-face learning. This session also presents "lessons learned" from a Master's student's experience of conducting initial qualitative research, including how to utilize and navigate faculty advisor feedback, IRB processes, development of research questions and methodology, and campus resources.


Format & Technique

I will facilitate discussion of my research findings through PPT slides that include: high-level literature review for study context, research hypothesis, methodology, research findings, and implications. I will also provide a one-page handout that notates "best practices" and recommendations for conducting educational research for a graduate student's first qualitative research project. 


Primary Presenter

April Taylor, University of Arkansas
Work Title

Graduate Student
