MOOCs and Adult Education: A Near Perfect Fit?
Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 9:45 AM–10:30 AM CDT
Park View (Rounds of 10)
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Adult Development
Presentation Format Requested
Roundtable (45 minutes)
Session Abstract
MOOCs have changed the way that people learn and have had an impact on higher education. This session will attempt to show how MOOCs align with the Principles of Adult Education and the Assumptions of Adult Learners as set by Malcolm Knowles (1984).
Target Audience
The targeted audience for this presentation are instructors of adult learners, professors of adult education.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session learners will be able to:
describe how the characteristics of MOOCs align with the assumptions of Adult Learners.
describe how the characteristics of MOOCs align with the principles of Adult Education.
describe how MOOCs can help nontraditional learners attain knowledge effectively while using MOOCs as opposed to traditional higher education.
Session Description
With the emergence of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), higher education has seen a fundamental change. MOOCs have changed the way people learn and how they access education. Through an analysis of how MOOCs are setup, MOOCs present a unique environment for adult learners. Using Knowles’ Assumptions of Adult Learners and the Principles of Andragogy, this session will teach you the unique connections that could give adult learners an ideal learning experience that could be more tailored suited for Adult Learners.
Format & Technique
This session will utilize PowerPoint and discussion. The presenters will divide up responsibility for presenting the material.
Primary Presenter
Dr. Robert Southard, C2 Technologies
Work Title
Additional Presenters
Dr. Sheena Stewart, Auburn University College of Education, Department of Adult Education
Work Title
Kate Nelson, Ph.D., Auburn University
Work Title