The Mind's Design: Habit your way to Excellence
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Research to Practice
Presentation Format Requested
Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
Session Abstract
Harness the neuroscience of habit building to maximize success. Explore academic findings, investigate the science of behavior change, and learn how to build these patterns to more intentionally pursue your goals. Master your own habits and then coach your learners in building academically sound keystone habits.
Target Audience
The target audience includes those interested in how behavior change can be used to craft academic success. Administrators, educators, and student success personnel will take immediately actionable content back to their programs.
Learning Outcomes
Participants will:
Learn why habits are powerful drivers for success
Apply neuroscience principles to habit formation
Navigate motivation and willpower with regard to behavior change
Apply session principles in a habit-building session post-conference (invitation)
Session Description
Consider for a moment your future self. Think about how your life would be better if you used the next 3
years to craft your daily habits, behaviors, and decisions to align with the future self you desire. My
name is Ellen Beattie and I am fascinated with behavior and its connection to success. Why do some
people seem to be successful in anything they choose. Why do others always seem to flounder? What
causes us to either thrive or dive? Specifically, in our field of learning, how can we promote and
encourage productive behaviors that support learning and drive success?
The Mind’s Design: Habit your way to Excellence has neuroscience as its foundation. Participants will explore how habits are a powerful driver to success in life and in any academic endeavor. We will discover four academic findings that explain behavior change and learn how concepts like motivation, willpower, and positive emotions connect to habit-building. Participants will leave with an invitation to engage in a free and engaging habit-building session.
Format & Technique
The session utilizes brain-based philosophies of the dopamine reward prediction, chucking, and active learning to model neuroscience principles in learning. Tiny Habits, a program to master personal habit formation will be presented and participants will be invited to engage post-conference. These factors result in an engaging, interactive, and memorable learning experience for the participants.
Primary Presenter
Dr Ellen Beattie, 2018
Work Title
Chief, Adult Instructional Services