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2019 Annual Conference

October 8–11, 2019

St. Louis, MO

Why I Matter - The Relationship between Job Crafting and Meaningful Work

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 2:40 PM–3:25 PM CDT
Park View (Rounds of 10)
Select the FIRST area in which your presentation best fits.

Adult Development

Presentation Format Requested

Roundtable (45 minutes)

Session Abstract

This session engages participants in a discussion of six case studies from a qualitative study on school leadership to examine the relationship between job crafting and meaningful work. This session also engages in the literature of meaningful work, organizational culture and employee engagement as they relate to job crafting.

Target Audience

Participants would be individuals who engage professionally in their organization in adult learning and development, talent development, coaching, or understanding or assessing performance of individuals within an organization. 

Learning Outcomes

Focus session participants will first engage in a discussion of case studies in which leaders describe their jobs within their organizations to examine the characteristics of job crafting within a specific context. As a result, participants will be able to answer the following within the context of her own organization: (1) Why does job crafting occur? (2) How can job crafting relate to meaningful work? (3) How are proactivity and adaptivity expressions of job crafting? (4) How might job crafting differ by level, or rank, of an employee? (5) How might job crafting make work meaningful at the organizational level?

Session Description

Job-crafting can be described as the ability to change cognitive, task, or relational boundaries to tailor one’s own job within an organization (Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001). This interactive focus session is constructed in five parts, fluidly transitioning one into another:

Format & Technique

At the beginning of each part of the session, participants will be given two essential questions to stimulate initial discussion.  Participants will then be presented with case studies and current key research related to job-crafting and asked to consider those two essential questions further, to consider broader implications of the research and to transition the discussion to the next part of the session.

To move towards application and closure, participants will revisit three specific statements drawn from the earlier case studies and examine what those statements may be indicating about job-crafting. In closing, participants will be provided with a list of all of the essential questions provided in the focus presentation and consider which are the most relevant research questions and why.    

Primary Presenter

Julia Tucker-Lloyd, Virginia Commonwealth Univerity
Work Title